As a rabbit owner, I understand the temptation to offer human food like bread to your rabbit. They are amazingly good beggars, and you might be tempted to give in and feed your bunny a piece of your sandwich. Before you do, though, ask yourself: Can a rabbit eat bread?

Rabbits can technically eat bread, but it's not recommended or good for them. Bread lacks the necessary nutrients that rabbits need to stay healthy. Rabbits require a diet high in fiber and low in simple carbohydrates. Bread is high in simple carbohydrates and low in fiber, which makes it an unsuitable and even dangerous food for rabbits.

In this blog, we'll explore why bread isn't the best choice for bunnies despite seeming like a harmless treat. Keep reading to learn more about what happens if bunnies eat bread.

A loaf of bread (not for bunnies)

Can Rabbits Eat Bread?

Bunnies should not be eating bread. While bread is not toxic to rabbits, it is not a suitable meal for them to eat regularly and may cause severe health issues.

Bread is a processed food that contains simple carbohydrates and lacks the necessary fiber and protein that rabbits need to maintain a healthy digestive system. Bunnies require a diet that is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates.

Bread also contains salt and sugar, further compromising your rabbit's digestive system. For this reason, it's best to stick to feeding your pet rabbit hay, veggies, and fruits high in complex carbohydrates like fiber.

Whole Wheat Bread vs. White Bread

Whole wheat bread is typically considered healthier than white bread because it contains more fiber and nutrients. However, even wholemeal bread is not suitable for rabbits to eat.

White bread, on the other hand, is highly processed and contains very little nutritional value. It is high in simple carbohydrates and sugars, which can cause weight gain and digestive issues in rabbits.

Stale Bread and Toasted Bread: Safe or Unsafe?

Stale and toasted bread may seem like good options for your rabbit because they are harder and less likely to be choking hazards. I would still not recommend these bread types.

Firstly, I would not let rabbits eat stale bread because stale bread can be a breeding ground for mold, which can be toxic to rabbits.

On the other hand, toasted bread is not a potentially toxic food item like stale bread, but it still contains the same high amounts of simple carbohydrates and sugars as fresh bread.

rabbit eating lettuce instead of bread

Potential Health Risks Of Feeding Bread to Rabbits

As rabbit owners, we always want the best for our bunnies, and it's important to acknowledge that feeding bread to rabbits can pose potential health risks. Bunnies have a delicate digestive system. Feeding them bread can cause digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Other issues you may encounter include obesity, which can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and arthritis.

Dental problems and digestive tract issues are also not off the cards. Rabbits that consume a lot of sugar and soft foods are also at risk of developing diabetes, overgrown teeth, and even gastrointestinal stasis (GI stasis).

However, if you can't resist your begging bunny, feed bread made from whole grains that are low in salt. Make sure you give it in very small quantities as a treat no more than once a month. It's important to avoid bread that contains added sugars, salt, or other harmful ingredients.

The Impact Of Bread On A Rabbit's Teeth

Rabbits have continuously growing teeth and must chew on fibrous foods to wear them down to a manageable size. When your bunnies eat bread, it can negatively affect their teeth.

When rabbits eat bread low in fiber and high in sugar, it can lead to dental problems such as overgrown teeth and decay. Bread tends to stick to rabbits' teeth and can cause plaque buildup. This can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental issues.

Moreover, the high carbohydrate content in bread can cause obesity in rabbits. If a rabbit is overweight, it can put additional stress on their teeth, making them more susceptible to dental problems.

It is important to note that not all bread is created equal. Some types of bread, such as whole grain bread, may be healthier for rabbits than others. However, even whole-grain bread should be given in moderation and as a treat rather than a staple in their diet. Too much bread does a lot more harm than fresh fruit treats.

Bread affects rabbit teeth

Alternative Foods to Bread for Rabbits

As we have seen, eating bread is not ideal for rabbits due to its lack of nutritional value and potential to cause digestive problems. Fortunately, plenty of alternative food items can provide rabbits with the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy diet.

First and foremost, fresh water should always be available to rabbits. Water is essential for maintaining proper hydration and digestive function. It is recommended to provide a water bottle or dish that is cleaned and refilled daily.

Regarding meals, rabbits require a diet that is high in fiber. Grass hay is an excellent source of fiber and can be given to rabbits in unlimited quantities. Vegetables and leafy greens, such as beet greens and kale, are also great sources of fiber and can be given as supplemental food items as recommended.

Other foods that bunnies can consume include dandelion greens, parsley, cilantro, and basil. These can be given as a treat or mixed into their regular diet.

When it comes to rabbit treats, it is important to choose ones that are specifically designed for rabbits and do not contain added sugars or artificial flavors. Some rabbit treats include Timothy hay cubes, dried fruits, fresh fruits, alfalfa hay, and vegetables.

Understanding A Rabbit's Diet

Understanding what foods are good for bunnies and what are toxic for rabbits is key to a healthy bunny. Rabbits are herbivores, which means they mainly consume plants. A bunny's diet should consist of fresh vegetables, leafy green vegetables, fresh hay, rabbit pellets, and fresh fruits. These meal items provide essential nutrients for a rabbit's health.

Vegetables and other plants are an important part of a rabbit's diet. They provide essential vitamins and minerals necessary for a rabbit's overall health. Some of the best vegetables for rabbits include romaine lettuce, kale, broccoli, and watercress. It is important to introduce new vegetables slowly to avoid digestive upset.

High-fiber foods are also essential for a rabbit's health. Rabbits require a diet that is high in fiber to maintain proper digestion. Hay is an excellent fiber source and should always be available to your rabbit. Rabbit pellets are also a good source of fiber and help to keep their teeth healthy, but should not be the only thing in a rabbit's diet.

While providing your rabbit with a balanced and healthy diet is important, some harmful foods should be avoided. Letting rabbits eat bread, for example, can cause many health problems. It has a high sugar content, which can cause weight gain and digestive health problems in bunnies.

alternative greens for rabbits

Special Considerations For Different Types Of Rabbits

When it comes to feeding bunnies, it's important to remember that different rabbits may have different nutritional needs. Here are some special considerations to keep in mind:

Pet Rabbits

Pet rabbits have different nutritional needs than wild bunnies, so it's important to ensure they get the right food. Rabbits should be fed according to their age. Here's a quick breakdown:

Adult Rabbits

An adult rabbit should be fed a diet containing various foods such as hay, vegetables, leafy greens, rabbit pellets, and fruits.

You can feed an adult rabbit bread, but only one very tiny piece, no more than once a month. However, I would suggest sticking to safer treats like bananas or guava.

Baby Rabbits

Baby rabbits have a very simple diet high in fiber and protein. Good food for babies includes unlimited hay and high-protein rabbit pellets. You can also feed them alfalfa hay for extra protein and fiber.

Stay away from vegetables, fruit, and, of course, bread when feeding baby bunnies. They have very sensitive digestive systems, and the wrong food can kill them. Once they grow into adult rabbits, you can include these items in their diet slowly.

baby bunnies should not eat bread

Wild Rabbits

Wild rabbits eat various foods in their natural environment. Feeding these furry hoppers is not recommended if you can avoid it. Wild bunnies can take care of themselves in most cases and are better left be.

If you need to feed a wild bunny, read up on what it needs and get more information from wildlife rehab centers and rabbit-savvy vets before doing anything.

Consequences of Inappropriate Feeding

Many rabbit owners make the mistake of giving in to begging without considering the consequences of letting rabbits eat bread and other inappropriate snacks.

A bunny has a delicate digestive system, and feeding it foods not part of its natural diet can cause digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Here are some of the consequences of feeding bunnies inappropriate meals:

whole wheat organic bread


In conclusion, while pet rabbits can technically eat bread, making it a regular part of their diet is not recommended. Bread can cause digestive problems for rabbits due to their delicate digestive system. It can lead to bloating, gas, and diarrhea, as well as obesity and dental problems due to its high simple carbohydrate content.

As a responsible rabbit owner, it is important to prioritize a high-fiber diet for your furry friend. This means focusing on complex carbohydrates in vegetables and hay, which provide nutrients and fiber to keep your rabbit healthy. Consult a veterinarian for specific dietary guidance tailored to your rabbit's needs and health issues.

In summary, while bread may seem harmless to feed your rabbit, it is best to avoid it altogether. Stick to a balanced diet of vegetables, pellets, and hay, and consult with a veterinarian for any questions or concerns regarding your rabbit's diet. By prioritizing your rabbit's health and well-being, you can ensure your furry friend's happy and healthy life alongside other animals in your home.

Key Takeaways

Frequently Asked Questions

bread alternative, greens as rabbit food

What human food can rabbits eat?

Bunnies can only consume fruits and vegetables eaten by humans in their raw form. The sensitive digestive systems of bunnies prevent them from eating cooked or canned human food and meat. Some meals humans can share with bunnies include carrots, apples, strawberries, and kale.

What can rabbits eat daily?

Rabbits should have access to fresh hay and water at all times. They can also be fed a small amount of pellets daily, but choosing high-quality pellets specifically formulated for bunnies is important. Additionally, bunnies should have a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits in their diet.

What not to feed rabbits?

There are several foods that bunnies should avoid. These include chocolate, avocado, nuts, seeds, and anything high in sugar or salt. Additionally, bunnies should not be fed any plants from the nightshade family, such as tomato plants and potato plants, as they are toxic to rabbits.

Can bread kill rabbits?

While bread is not toxic to rabbits, it's not recommended to feed it to them regularly. Bread lacks the essential nutrients that rabbits need to thrive and can cause digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea. In severe cases, it could lead to death due to dehydration and GI stasis.

Is it okay for rabbits to eat bread every day?

No, bunnies should not eat bread every day. As mentioned earlier, bread lacks the necessary nutrients, and a rabbit struggles to digest it properly. Sticking to a diet of hay, pellets, fresh vegetables, and fruits is best.

What are some safe foods for rabbits to eat?

Some safe things to feed bunnies include leafy greens such as kale and spinach, carrot tops, apples, strawberries, blueberries, broccoli, and romaine lettuce. Introducing new foods slowly and in small amounts is important to avoid upsetting their stomachs.


As a bunny owner, I know how important it is to provide my rabbits with a varied and nutritious diet, and I know the same goes for you. While hay and fresh greens should be the staple of a rabbit's diet, I also like to offer them some sweet foods like fruits. That brings us to the question: Can bunnies eat mangoes?

Rabbits can eat mangoes, but only as a treat. Mangoes are a great source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, which are essential for a rabbit's health and can help boost its immune system. However, mango fruit is high in sugar and vitamin C, which can cause health problems for rabbits if they eat too much.

In this article, we will explore the topic of rabbits eating mangoes and provide you with all the information you need to know to incorporate these sweet fruits into your bunny's diet safely.

mango cut open, opened mango fruit, fruit

Can Rabbits Eat Mangoes?

As a bunny breeder, I often get asked if rabbits can eat mangoes. The answer is yes; rabbits can eat mangoes, but only as an occasional treat.

Mangoes are a great source of minerals and vitamins, but like all fruits, they contain a lot of sugar. Fruits with a lot of sugar can cause health problems for rabbits, such as obesity, joint problems, kidney failure, and gastrointestinal (GI) stasis. So, it is important to feed mangoes to your rabbit in moderation.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Mangoes?

Baby rabbits have delicate digestive systems and need a specific diet to grow properly. While it is safe for adult rabbits to have mangoes, feeding mangoes to baby rabbits is not recommended. Baby rabbits should stick to their mother's milk (until six weeks old), hay, and specially formulated rabbit pellets until they are at least three months old. After that, you can gradually introduce fruits and vegetables into their diet.

It is important to note that while rabbits can eat mango safely, not all fruits and vegetables are safe for them. Some fruits and vegetables can cause digestive problems or even be toxic to rabbits. So, it is important to do your research before feeding your rabbit any new food.

mango, mango fruit for rabbit

Health Benefits Of Mangoes For Rabbits

As a rabbit owner, it's important to ensure that your furry friend gets a balanced diet that includes a variety of hay, fruits, and vegetables. Mangoes are one fruit you can consider adding to your bunny's diet.

Mangoes are a great source of essential nutrients for rabbits, such as:

Remember that mangos also contain a lot of Vitamin C. While vitamin C helps boost the immune system and can help prevent illnesses and diseases in rabbits, too much vitamin C can lead to kidney damage. Rabbits can produce their own vitamin C inside their bodies, so this is one vitamin you don't need to worry about.

Prepare mango for bunnies

Introducing Mango Into Your Bunny's Diet

Mango can be a tasty and nutritious addition to your rabbit's diet, but it should only be offered as a treat.

Feeding Mango To Your Rabbit

When introducing mango to your rabbit, starting slowly and feeding in small amounts is important. Monitor your rabbit's reaction to the fruit and stop feeding mango if you notice any signs of digestive upset.

How Much Mango to Feed

Rabbits can eat mango in moderation. A good rule of thumb is limiting mango to 1-2 tablespoons of mango per two pounds (0.9 KG) of rabbit body weight two times per week.

Preparing Mango For Your Rabbit

To feed mango to your bunnies, you must first make sure to buy from a reputable store. If possible, try to find organic mangoes to ensure your bunny doesn't come in contact with dangerous pesticides. Even then, I would thoroughly wash the mango in lukewarm water with soap to remove any harmful chemicals.

After washing, I would cut a few bite-sized pieces for my rabbits, remove the stone, and feed the mango straight away. No need to remove the mango peels since they actually have some health benefits for bunnies.

The Importance Of A Well-Balanced Rabbit Diet

While mango can be a great treat for your rabbit, it's important to remember that it should only be offered as part of a well-balanced diet that includes hay, leafy greens, and fresh vegetables. These foods provide essential nutrients and fiber important for your bunny's health and well-being.

When To Stop Feeding Mango

Most rabbits love mangoes, but there are always the odd one out. If your rabbit refuses to eat mango or leaves uneaten mango in their food dish, you can safely assume that your bunny doesn't like it and would rather have other rabbit treats.

Make sure you remove any uneaten food. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, and uneaten food can quickly spoil and lead to health problems.

If you notice any digestive problems in your bunny even after a slow introduction to mango, removing this juicy fruit from your friend's diet is best. There are enough other healthy treats to substitute with.

rabbit runny poop after eating mango

Feeding Mangoes To Rabbits: Dos And Don'ts

Now that we know feeding rabbits mangoes is okay let's look at some dos and don'ts to keep your cotton-tailed friend safe.



Knife cut mango for bunnies

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Dried, Cooked, and Frozen?

As we have established, rabbits can eat fresh mangoes in moderation as a treat. But what about other mango varieties, such as dried, cooked, or frozen mangoes? Let's take a closer look.

Dried Mango

You can let your rabbits eat dried mango in very small amounts. While dried mangoes are a tasty snack for humans, they are not the best option for rabbits.

Dried fruits, in general, have higher sugar content than fresh fruits. This means that dried mangoes can lead to weight gain and other health issues in rabbits if consumed in excess.

If you let bunnies eat dried mango, make sure you only give them one dried mango piece and don't make it too small. Very small pieces of dried mango can be a choking hazard.

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Mango?

Rabbits should never be fed cooked mango or cooked food in general. Bunnies cannot digest cooked food properly, which can cause health issues. They also struggle to chew the soft food, which can lead to choking.

Can Rabbits Eat Frozen Mango?

Frozen mangoes are safe for rabbits to eat as long as they are not coated in sugar or other additives. Frozen mango can be a refreshing treat for your rabbit on a hot summer day. Just make sure the pieces are not too small to avoid choking hazards.

The Risks Of Mangoes For Rabbits

As with any fruit, there are risks associated with letting rabbits eat mango. Although mangoes are safe for rabbits to eat in moderation, too much mango can cause health problems for your pet.

One main risk of giving rabbit mango is the high sugar content. Mangoes are naturally high in sugar, which can lead to dental issues and other health problems in rabbits.

Mango seeds are also a concern when it comes to feeding mangoes to rabbits. While it is safe for rabbits to eat the flesh and mango skins, the seeds should be avoided. A mango seed is hard, and somewhat toxic. They can cause digestive problems if ingested. Removing the mango seed before feeding it to your rabbit is best.

mango fruit prepared for bunnies

Mango Parts And Their Safety for Rabbits

We already looked at some of the risks associated with rabbits. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of a mango and whether or not they are safe for rabbits to eat.

Can rabbits eat mango skin?

Yes, rabbits can eat mango skin. In fact, the mango skin is rich in fiber and antioxidants, making it the healthiest addition to your bunny's diet. However, make sure to wash the mango thoroughly before feeding it to your rabbit, as pesticides and other harmful chemicals may be present on the skin.

Can rabbits eat mango seeds?

Mango stones should not be fed to rabbits. While the flesh of the mango and mango skin is safe for rabbits to eat, the seeds contain cyanide and can be toxic to your furry friends if ingested. Additionally, mango stones are hard and can pose a choking hazard to rabbits.

Can rabbits eat mango leaves?

It is safe to let your bunnies eat mango leaves as long as you wash them to remove any potential toxins. They are high in fiber, and unlike the mango skin and flesh, they are low in sugar and can be fed daily in small amounts.

The leaves can be quite tough, so keep an eye on your furry friends to see if they have problems eating them.

Can rabbits drink mango juice?

Rabbits can have mango juice in very small amounts, but it's generally not recommended. Mango juice contains lots of sugar and is also very acidic, which can upset the delicate digestive system of your rabbit. Mangoes are best fed ripe and raw to avoid any digestive system issues.

mango juice

Other Fruits And Vegetables For Rabbits

While mangoes can be a tasty treat for rabbits, they should not make up the bulk of your bunny's diet. A varied diet is best, but remember to keep it balanced.

Here are a few examples of other fruits that rabbits can safely enjoy:

When it comes to vegetables, fresh greens should make up the bulk of your rabbit's diet. Here are a few examples of vegetables that rabbits can safely eat:

It's important to note that while rabbits can eat many different types of fruits and vegetables, there are also some that should be avoided. For example, rabbits should not be given rhubarb. Additionally, any fruits or vegetables that are high in sugar should only be given in moderation.

In general, it's best to stick to unlimited fresh hay, raw fruits, and vegetables for your rabbit. Avoid giving them canned or cooked fruits and vegetables, as these can contain added sugars and preservatives that can be harmful to your pet. And as always, make sure to introduce new foods gradually and in small amounts to avoid upsetting your rabbit's digestive system.

rabbit cleaning after eating mango


In conclusion, you can give your rabbit mango in moderation. Mangoes are a great source of minerals and vitamins, including vitamins A and E, which are essential for a rabbit's health and can help boost its immune system. However, when fed too much fruit, the high sugar content in mangoes can cause health problems for rabbits.

It is important to note that rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, and introducing new foods to their diet should be done gradually. As a responsible rabbit owner, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before introducing new foods to your pet.

While mangoes can be a tasty treat for rabbits, they should not be a substitute for a balanced diet. Fresh juicy vegetables and hay should make up the majority of a rabbit's diet, with fruity treats given in moderation (this includes mango peels).

Overall, providing a varied and balanced diet is key to keeping your rabbit healthy and happy. By taking the time to research and understand your rabbit's nutritional needs, you can ensure that they are receiving the proper nutrients to live a long and happy life.

Key Takeaways:

Frequently Asked Questions

rabbit eating grass

What fruits are safe for rabbits to eat?

Rabbits can safely eat various fruits, including apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and guava. Many rabbits love the sweet taste of fruits, but they should be given in moderation as they are high in sugar and can cause digestive issues if overfed.

Is mango seeds safe for rabbits?

No, rabbits should not eat mango seeds as they contain cyanide, a toxic substance to animals and humans.

Can rabbits eat raw mangoes?

Yes, you should only feed mango raw or dried. However, mangoes should be given in moderation as they are high in sugar and can cause digestive issues if overfed. Always make sure to choose ripe mangoes for feeding your bunnies.

Is mango healthy to feed rabbits every day?

No, rabbits should not eat mangoes every day. Mangoes should be given as an occasional treat along with their staple diet of hay and fresh greens.

Can rabbits eat mango stone?

No, rabbits should not eat mango stones as they are toxic to bunnies and can cause severe health problems.

Is mango toxic to rabbits?

No, mango is not toxic to rabbits. However, mangoes should be given in moderation as they are high in sugar and can cause dental issues if overfed.


As a rabbit owner, it's essential to know what foods are safe and healthy for your furry friend. One question that often comes up is whether rabbits can eat spinach. The short answer is yes, but there are some things to keep in mind.

Rabbits can eat spinach, but only in moderation. Spinach is a healthy leafy green snack rich in vitamins and minerals but also contains high levels of calcium and oxalates that can bind to form bladder stones. To prevent problems, feed spinach with other greens, vegetables, hay, or pellets.

In this blog, I'll discuss what happens if rabbits eat spinach, how to feed it safely, and a few alternatives you can consider adding to your bunny's diet. Keep reading if you want to keep your bunny healthy and happy.

uncooked spinach in a cup

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach?

Knowing what your furry friend can safely eat is very important as a rabbit owner. This brings me back to your question: Can rabbits eat spinach? The answer is yes but with some caveats.

Spinach contains high levels of oxalates that bind to iron or calcium and cause health problems such as bladder stones and iron deficiency in bunnies. Therefore, limiting the amount of spinach (and other high oxalate greens) your rabbit eats is important.

Types Of Spinach

There are three main types of spinach: flat-leaved spinach (this includes baby spinach), semi-savoy spinach, and savoy spinach. Each spinach type has its own unique flavor, texture, and nutritional profile. Here are some of the most common types of spinach that you can consider feeding to your rabbit:

Flat-Leafed Spinach

Flat-leaved spinach, also called smooth-leafed spinach, is most commonly used for creating canned spinach and also frozen spinach.

Baby Spinach

Baby spinach is an immature version of flat-leafed spinach with soft, small flat leaves and a mild, sweet flavor. It's also known as baby flat-leaf spinach and is an excellent choice for rabbits.

Baby spinach contains vitamins A, K, and C, calcium, and iron. It's easy to digest and is supposed to be lower in oxalic acid, which can interfere with calcium and iron absorption.

Semi-Savoy Spinach

This spinach has slightly crinkled leaves and a slightly stronger flavor than flat-leafed spinach. It is a hybrid between savoy and flat-leaved spinach.

Savoy Spinach

Savoy, also known as curly-leafed spinach, is the most common type sold in supermarkets. It's most often eaten raw and used in salads. This will be the one you'll most likely have on hand most of the time.

Unfortunately, this type of spinach also contains the highest amount of oxalates. This means that you should take more care when feeding it to your rabbits.

rabbits spinach leaves

Can Rabbits Eat Water Spinach

This "type" of spinach is not actually spinach at all, despite the name. Water spinach, also known as Chinese spinach, river spinach, and Chinese watercress, is often used in Asian cuisine and is related to a plant botanically called Ipomoea aquatica.

Water spinach is an excellent fresh forage to offer your rabbit instead of regular spinach, botanically referred to as Spinacia oleracea. Take note that you need to ensure that they eat the whole thing, stems and all, and don't just pick at the leaf tips.

If they only eat the leafy tips, they will not benefit from the full nutritional value of Chinese spinach and may end up consuming too much protein and too little fiber.

Can Rabbits Eat Tree Spinach

This is another plant commonly referred to as spinach that is only distantly related to regular spinach plants. Tree spinach, also known as chaya or Cnidoscolus aconitifolius, is actually an excellent spinach alternative.

This plant is an excellent source of fiber since it contains less water than regular spinach. This makes it an excellent, non-toxic snack for bunnies.

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Leaves, Roots, Stalks and Stems?

Spinach leaves, stalks, stems, and flowers are all safe for rabbits to eat. Let's take a more in-depth look.

Spinach Leaves And Flowers

Spinach leaves, and flowers are great sources of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and K, magnesium, and iron. They also contain fiber, essential for a rabbit's digestive system.

Keep in mind that these leaves also contain oxalic acid, that can bind to calcium in the body and cause bladder stones if fed excessively over time. Therefore, it's best to feed the leaves in small portions, two times per week, along with other leafy greens.

Bunnies eat spinach flowers just as eagerly as any other part of the plant. These flowers are fortunately safe for them to eat, but they must also be fed in moderation.

Spinach Stems And Stalks

Spinach stems and stalks are safe for rabbits. They are high in fiber but are less nutritious than the leaves and low in vitamins and minerals. It is, however, better to feed your rabbit stems and stalks instead of leaves and flowers due to the difference in fiber content. Bunnies need a lot of fiber to stay healthy.

Spinach Roots

Spinach roots are not recommended for rabbits to eat. They are tough and difficult to digest and do not provide nutritional value for bunnies.

eating spinach in juice form

Alternative Leafy Greens

If you are concerned about feeding your rabbit spinach, you can offer many other vegetables and leafy greens as an alternative. Some good options include:

Remember to always introduce new foods to your rabbit slowly and in small amounts to avoid digestive upset. And always wash any vegetables and greens before feeding them to your pet rabbit to get rid of any pesticides that might harm your bunny.

Feeding Guidelines For Spinach

It's very important to introduce spinach to your rabbit correctly to avoid digestive problems. While spinach is considered a nutritious plant, it's not necessarily good for your bunny in large quantities.

If you want to include a small amount of spinach in your rabbit's diet, follow these feeding guidelines to introduce it safely.

How Much Spinach Is Safe For Rabbits?

The first thing you should consider is getting organic, pesticide-free spinach for your bunnies. Pesticides are extremely harmful to bunnies.

Secondly, don't feed more than a cup of spinach per week for big bunnies and half a cup for small rabbits like Netherland dwarfs. This serving should be divided into two or three portions, fed two to three days apart.

Moderate amounts of spinach can be beneficial for rabbits, as it is high in fiber and low in sugar. Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system and can help control rabbit body weight to prevent obesity.

cooked spinach in a pan

Preparation Of Spinach For Rabbits'

Spinach is a nutritious leafy green vegetable that can be safely consumed by rabbits. However, it is important to prepare it properly to ensure it is safe for your furry friend to eat. Here is a step-by-step guide to preparing fresh spinach for rabbits:

  1. Choose crisp leaves: Raw spinach is a great option for rabbits because it is packed with nutrients and is easy to prepare. Make sure only to choose fresh, crisp leaves. Avoid any leaves that look wilted.

  2. Wash the leaves: Plants of all varieties are often sprayed with pesticides. To make sure you're bunny is safe, wash the leaves thoroughly in lukewarm water. I would recommend doing this even if you bought the organic variety, just in case.

  3. Measure the portion: You don't want to feed too much spinach and harm your bunny. To avoid any health problems, make sure you feed the correct portion size. If you're unsure, just keep to one to two leaves per bunny.

  4. Cut the spinach into bite-size portions (Optional): You can either feed the leaf as a whole or cut it into smaller pieces for easier consumption. Either way, your bunnies won't mind as long as they get to eat.

Can Rabbits Eat Spinach Frozen, Canned, Or Cooked?

Rabbits should never eat frozen, canned, or cooked spinach. Bunnies cannot digest cooked food properly, and canned food usually contains a lot of preservatives and salt, including canned spinach, that can harm your furry friend.

On the other hand, frozen spinach wilts as soon as it defrosts, making it unhealthy for your bunny to consume. If you do include it in your bunny's diet, it's best to stick to raw spinach.

Introducing Spinach To Rabbits

Raw spinach is very easy to introduce to bunnies. Feed one leaf after proper preparation, and then wait 24 hours to see if your bunny reacts negatively. If your bunnies eat spinach and react negatively, even if just dropping slightly loose stool and nothing else, stop feeding spinach immediately to let your bunny recover.

Next time, feed a smaller amount of spinach to give your rabbits gut bacteria time to adapt to the new food. If after a few tries your bunny still doesn't react well, just avoid it all together.

Health Benefits And Risks

freshly washed spinach leaves

Spinach has quite a few health benefits for rabbits. It contains the following:

Risks of Spinach

While spinach has many health benefits, there are a few risks. Spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, which can cause digestive problems and bladder stones in rabbits. It's important to consult a veterinarian if you notice abnormal behaviors or changes in your rabbit's health.

fresh harvest of spinach for rabbits

Other Foods for Rabbits

The best thing you can do as a pet owner is to provide a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. In addition to hay and pellets, vegetables, fruits, and other greens can be great additions to your bunny’s diet. Here are some of the best foods you can feed your rabbit:

Fresh vegetables are a great source of essential vitamins and minerals for your rabbit. Some of the best vegetables to feed include:

When feeding your rabbit fresh vegetables, wash them thoroughly and remove any seeds or pits. Introducing new vegetables slowly is also important to avoid upsetting your rabbit’s digestive system.

Frozen vegetables can be a convenient and nutritious addition to your bunny’s diet. Some of the best frozen veggies to feed your rabbit include:

Only feed frozen foods as a treat on a hot day, and avoid anything too sugary.

Greens are an important part of your rabbit’s diet and should be fed daily. Some of the best leafy greens to feed your rabbit include:

rabbit, cute, animalrabbit eating flowers

Fruits can be a tasty and nutritious treat for your rabbit. Some of the best fruits are:

When feeding your rabbit fruit, be sure to remove any seeds or pips and limit the amount you give them to avoid upsetting their digestive system.

Grass hay should make up the bulk of your bunny's diet. The best types of grass hay to feed are:

This is the most rabbit-safe food you can find. Provide fresh hay daily and remove any soiled or stale hay. You can feed hay unlimited.

Rabbit pellets are a great source of nutrition for your bunny and should be fed daily. When choosing rabbit pellets, look for high-quality pellets free from additives, corn, and preservatives.

rabbit eating pellets

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Spinach?

When it comes to feeding baby rabbit-safe foods, spinach should be avoided. Baby rabbits have a delicate digestive system; spinach can cause digestive issues and kidney damage. It is important to note that baby rabbits should not be weaned until they are 4-6 weeks old. Before that time, they should only be fed their mother's milk, hay, and pellets.

Wild Rabbits

Wild rabbits can be a problem if they enter your veggie garden. They will definitely go for your spinach if they can reach it, even though it's not a part of their natural diet. If you grow vegetables in an area with wild bunnies, I recommend fencing your garden to keep them out.

Key Takeaways

Frequently Asked Questions

What greens can rabbits eat?

Rabbits can eat a variety of greens, including kale, cilantro, parsley, dandelion greens, and collard greens. They should also always have access to high-quality hay and fresh water.

What fruits can rabbits eat?

Some safe options include apples, bananas, blueberries, guava, and strawberries. However, fruits are high in sugar and should only be given as an occasional treat.

Can rabbits eat cabbage?

Rabbits can eat cabbage, but it should be fed in moderation. Too much cabbage can cause gas and bloating in rabbits.

Can rabbits eat arugula?

Yes, rabbits can eat arugula. It is a safe and healthy green that can be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

How is spinach safe for rabbits?

It is only safe when fed in moderation, as it contains high levels of oxalates that can lead to calcium oxalate formation and bladder sludge in rabbits. One cup of spinach once or twice a week is sufficient.

Can rabbits eat lettuce and spinach?

Yes, rabbits can eat lettuce and spinach, but they should be given in moderation. Lettuce contains little nutritional value and can cause diarrhea in large amounts, while spinach contains high levels of oxalates. It is important to offer a variety of greens to ensure a balanced diet for your rabbit.


Bell peppers are healthy veggies with great flavor that does wonders in salads and many recipes. It's equally full of many healthy nutrients which seems like a good veggie for bunnies. 

But you need to be sure about this first. So, can rabbits eat bell peppers?

Of course! Bell peppers are a good veggie snack for rabbits. But rabbits can only eat these treats in moderation. 

This is because of the high sugar and calcium content. Bell peppers are healthy for rabbits because they contain many nutrients. 

They include vitamins C, A B-6, and E, magnesium, potassium, etc. which are important for your rabbit’s well-being.

In addition, bell peppers are also known as sweet peppers. They are tasty and crispy, which is why rabbits love them!

It's clear now that bell peppers are healthy treats to feed your bunny. Still, it's equally important to know what part of bell peppers to feed your rabbit.

That being said, keep reading below as we discuss this next.


peppers sliced by knife for rabbits

What Part of Bell Peppers Can Rabbits Eat?

The flesh, which is the main part of bell peppers, is what you should feed your rabbit. This is the inner part of the bell pepper as well as the safest part to feed bunnies. 

In addition, bell peppers have many other parts including the leaves, stem, skin, core, and seeds. But are they also safe for rabbits to eat? Let’s find out next!

Can Rabbits Eat Bell Pepper Skin?

Feel free to serve bell peppers with the skin. Similar to the flesh, bell pepper skin is safe for rabbits to eat. 

But since it’s the outer covering of bell peppers, it’s more exposed to dirt and chemicals. So make sure to wash bell peppers very well before serving them to your bunny.

Can Rabbits Eat Bell Pepper Seeds and Cores?

Although bell pepper seeds and core aren’t toxic to rabbits, it would be better to ignore them. The seed and cores lack nutrients and rabbits can’t digest them easily. 

They're tough and can choke your bunny. Hence, you should take out the core and seeds from bell peppers before you feed them to your rabbit.

rabbit eating

Can Rabbits Eat Pepper Stem?

It’s a bad idea! Bell pepper stems aren’t toxic but are hard to chew and digest for rabbits. These can cause choking hazards for rabbits. 

What’s more, it’s tough enough to cause blockages in your rabbit's gut. Hence, to be on the safe side, feed bell peppers to rabbits without their stems.

What Type of Peppers Can Rabbits Eat?

Can Rabbits Eat Red Bell Peppers?

Yes! Red bell peppers are equally suitable for bunnies. However, this color contains the most sugar. 

Hence, you need to feed red bell peppers to rabbits in small amounts. Rabbits should have them as treats and never as a main meal. 

Wash peppers properly and remove the seeds and the stalk. Preparing them is easy and similar to what you might do to any other pepper.

Can Rabbits Eat Orange Bell Peppers?

Rabbits can also eat orange bell peppers. It’s safe for them to eat when you serve them in moderate amounts. 

That’s right! Orange bell peppers have high sugar content next to red bell peppers. Hence, it's risky to feed them too many orange bell peppers.

Above all, orange bell peppers are packed with healthy vitamins and minerals that rabbits need to stay healthy. What’s more, this orange variety has a good flavor and many rabbits enjoy it.

Orange pepper, capsicum, vegetable

Can Rabbits Eat Yellow Bell Peppers?

Rabbits can eat yellow bell peppers as long as the stems and seeds are removed. This pepper is sweeter than the green but is less sweet the red bell pepper. 

As with other varieties, you should offer yellow bell peppers to rabbits as a snack only.

Can Rabbits Eat Green Bell Peppers?

Absolutely! Rabbits can eat green bell peppers. Green bell peppers are the kinds that have been harvested earlier, in their growth. 

This, in turn, makes their taste slightly bitterer. 

They have the lowest sugar content, which makes them safer for rabbits to eat than all other bell pepper varieties. 

This doesn’t mean you should freely give so much of it to rabbits. Rabbits should have green peppers only as treats too. 

These peppers have more calcium in them than other varieties. So stick to feeding only small amounts to bunnies. 

Funny enough, most bunnies do not like green peppers at all because it’s less tasty.

red. orange and green bell peppers

Can Rabbits Eat Jalapeno Peppers?

Jalapeño peppers are a type of chili pepper which means they're very hot peppers. Rabbit's digestive system does not process very spicy foods. 

Hence, feeding your rabbit Jalapenos or any other chili can create serious issues for them. That being said, avoid this pepper and other chilies. 

Nutritional Fact of Bell Pepper

Bell peppers are packed with healthy vitamins and minerals. Here’s a table showing the nutritional information about bell peppers, particularly the red variety. 

Note: Per 100g serving

Health Benefits of Bell Peppers for Rabbits

Above all, bell pepper treats make a great addition to your rabbit’s diet due to their nutritional value. These peppers are loaded with nutrients that offer several health benefits to a rabbit.

How to Serve Bell Peppers to a Rabbit?

Understand that you don’t just feed bell peppers to rabbits that way. It’s very important that you prepare them before serving them to your bunny. 

This is to eliminate any risks of bell peppers on your rabbit’s health. To ensure you do it right, follow the few steps below:

Step #1: Choose Only Fresh Bell Peppers for Rabbits

Avoid leftovers or rotten bell peppers for rabbits. If you have ones growing in your garden, they’re the best peppers to use.

Step #2: Remove the Parts Rabbits Shouldn’t Eat

These parts include green art like the stem and leaves. Additionally, you should remove the core and seeds. 

Step #3: Wash Bell Pepper Thoroughly

This is necessary to eliminate dirt, debris, pesticides, etc. hygiene is important when it concerns what your bunny eats.

Step #4: Slice Into Moderate Sizes

Slice the bell pepper into bite-size pieces so your rabbit can eat them easily.

Step #5: Serve Bell Pepper Treats to Rabbits

Serve your bunny the sliced fresh bell peppers. Serve bell peppers in a bowl mixed with other healthy veggies.

Take Note: 

Remove the leftovers from your rabbit eating area once you know your bunny is done eating. If the leftover bell peppers stay for long, they can develop bacteria and start to rot. 

Certainly, these leftovers aren’t what you want your bunny to put in its mouth.

Are Bell Peppers Bad for Rabbits? - The Risks

Even though bell peppers may be beneficial to rabbits, they can still have negative effects when you don’t feed them the right way. Bell peppers contain so much sugar, especially the red varieties. 

And if your rabbit eats too many bell peppers, it might experience digestive issues due to excess sugar.  These issues could be bloating, diarrhea, etc. 

In addition to this, overfeeding bell peppers to rabbits increases the risk of them getting excess calcium. This is not good for bunnies and can lead to urinary problems like kidney and bladder stones.

How Much Bell Pepper Should Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits should have a handful of bell peppers per serving. However, you shouldn’t rush the feeding. Introduce bell peppers to rabbits slowly. 

This is to prevent them from reacting to it just like how most rabbits do to new foods. Start with smaller sizes, and if your rabbit shows no negative reaction, then feel free to give them a bigger yet moderate amount.

Can Rabbits Eat Bell Peppers Every Day?

Not at all! Serve bell peppers to rabbits, not more than twice a week, especially the red, orange, and yellow varieties. They are high in sugar so your rabbits should not eat them too often. 

Furthermore, your bunny can have green bell peppers more often than the other varieties. But still, you don’t have to feed them green bell peppers every day. 

These bell peppers have more calcium content than other varieties. So you should also be careful about your rabbits getting too much calcium. 

Lop ea

Bell Pepper Alternatives for Rabbits

Of course, you won’t feed bell peppers to rabbits every day. Try swapping the treats your bunny gets from time to time.

And to do this, you would need to use other healthy veggies just as bell peppers. See some of these healthy bell pepper alternatives below:

Final Words on Bell Peppers Treats

To sum up, rabbits can eat bell peppers (sweet peppers) but only in moderation. These veggies cannot be a main part of your rabbit’s diet.

Regardless, your rabbits will still benefit a lot from eating bell peppers as treats. These peppers contain many healthy nutrients including vitamins C, A, B6, folate, among many.

Remember, you should properly prepare bell peppers before feeding them to rabbits. Follow the steps in this article to make sure you’re doing it right. 

Preferably, serve this treat with lots of hay and green leaves. For more information about a rabbit's diet, refer to this guide!

Bunnies can’t speak to us like kids do whenever they’re not feeling too well. For this reason, knowing about their health status can be a bit challenging. However, there are other ways to know about your rabbit’s well-being. 

And a common way is through their poop. That’s right! If you just got your first rabbit, you might not know this, but rabbit poops say a lot about their health. 

However, their poop can come in different ways and a majority are abnormal. This article will reveal all you need to know about the different rabbit poop and what they tell you about your bunny’s health.

rabbit poop size and shape

Different Kinds of Rabbit Poop and What They Mean

Fecal Pellets - Normal Rabbit Poop

That’s right, fecal pellets refer to normal and healthy rabbit poop. Fecal pellets are quite similar to cocoa puffs in appearance.

Furthermore, this is the kind you should be happy seeing your bunny producing. Moreover, you need to get familiar with your bunny’s normal poop. 

It can help give you clues about what seems right or not in your rabbit's diet and health, in general.

Litter box with rabbit pellets

By Pictoscribe

Moreover, you can easily identify a normal rabbit poop with the description below:


A normal rabbit poop should be about 7-12 mm in diameter. This means they could be as small as green peas to about the size of chicken peas.


They take the form of tiny round balls. However, some poops might occasionally have a slightly different structure and that’s normal. 

But if you continue to see non-round poop very often, it could be a sign of digestive issues. Hence, you should take your rabbit to the vet. 


A normal rabbit poop color can be dark brown to light one. Whether dark or light brown color, what matters the most is if the poops have a uniform color.


Healthy rabbit poop doesn’t smell bad at all. In fact, most of the odor in a bunny's cage or litter box comes from their urine.


It should feel hard, not soft. And If broken open, it should appear dusty inside.

Cecotropes – The Second Normal Rabbit Poop

Now you should know that rabbits produce two kinds of normal poops. And we’ve just looked at the first one – “fecal Pellets”. Moreover, the second normal rabbit dropping you may see are cecotropes

Similar to rabbit normal pellets, cecotropes are also healthy kinds of rabbit poop. In addition, cecotropes are tiny clusters of soft pellets that are equally loaded with nutrients for your rabbit. 

They are essential dietary items formed from the indigestible parts of a rabbit’s diet. So when you often see or hear about a rabbit eating its poop, these kinds of poops are cecotropes. 

Rabbits eat them to receive all the nutrients their food offers. Cecotropes are important for your bunnies.

rabbit droppings

Moreover, here's how to easily identify cecotropes:


Appear tiny on their own with a diameter that’s only a few millimeters. However, when they’re in clusters, they can be about 1-2 in () small.


Their shape depends on how many single cecotrope clusters together. Cecotropes normally appear in a berry-like shape together.


These bunny poops are normally dark brown with a little shine due to the thin mucus layer that covers them.


They can stink a lot, especially when the thin membrane covering them is torn.


These kinds of rabbit poops have a sticky and soft texture, which can easily turn to paste.

rabbit droppings

Take Note! 

It’s rare to see so many cecotropes lying around like normal fecal pellets. This is because rabbits normally eat them directly from their anus. 

Moreover, rabbits don’t normally produce too many cecotropes. However, when they do, it mostly happens because their diet is high in sugar content. 

So take note of this and make sure your bunny isn't getting too much sugar from the foods you serve to it. 

cecal impaction

Strung Together Poops

Oftentimes, rabbit poop can be in a chain form. They’ll appear like pearls on a single string. 

But in this case, the string holding these poops together is a rabbit hair strand. In addition, this poop is quite common and your bunny is likely to produce it. 

However, it’s a common poop you’ll see long-haired rabbit breeds producing. During the seasons that rabbits shed fur, they tend to consume more fur. And this could also bring about this kind of poop. 

However, your rabbit shouldn’t produce so much of this poop. A large amount of these kinds of poops indicates that your rabbit is consuming plenty of hair.

Poop can tell

See how to identify strung-together rabbit poop below:


Poops strung together should all have a similar size. And if the gaps between every poop strung together are similar, it indicates your rabbit’s digestive system is doing pretty well.


They should appear in the form of well-rounded balls. However, some poops on the hair strand can be misshapen, but it’s not always like this.


Every poop on the string should be uniform in color. It could be a dark or light brown color.

rabbits eat hay and pellets

Take Note! 

Rabbit cannot vomit. So when so much hair gets into their system, they can only excrete it like poop. However, you should know that it’s a lot of work for a rabbit’s digestive tract to push these hairs through the system.

This can likely form hairballs and block your rabbit system. Hence, you can prevent this if you take your time each day to groom your rabbit. 

Brush their fur at least once a day. This greatly helps in reducing the amount of hair your rabbit ingests.

Bacteria can cause diarrhea

Double Poops

Rabbits regularly produce new poop which is a sign that their digestive system is working fine. Bunnies' digestive system works in a very smooth and orderly way.

As a result, the normal poops they excrete are very similar in size and color, and structure. Nevertheless, a rabbit’s gut can slow down a bit sometimes. 

This, in turn, changes the form of their poop. It can start to appear doubled – two poop colliding together. Moreover, this kind of poop appears longer but retains the color and texture of healthy poop. 

Furthermore, if you see a few of these poop around plenty of healthy poop (fecal pellets), it’s normal and not something you need to worry about. It can be momentarily and occur when your rabbit gets stressed suddenly. 

However, a lot of double poops and indicate that your rabbit’s gut is slowing down beyond normal. At this point, you should see a vet as soon as possible. Your rabbit’s gut health matters a lot!

Rabbit poo attracts flies. make sure to clean up

Small Poops

Rabbits' poops are small, but there are times their poop can appear much smaller. And this tiny kind of poop is a sign that something isn’t fine with your rabbit. 

Additionally, it can come from stress or a disturbing illness. Nevertheless, if you’ve checked and your rabbit has no sign of illness whatsoever, then you shouldn't panic. 

Small-sized droppings should return to normal, healthy pellets if everything is okay with your rabbit. It can take a couple of hours.

However, if your rabbit's poo continues to be pretty small, it means your bunny is ill or experiencing discomfort. Hence, you shouldn't hesitate to take your rabbit to a vet.

house rabbit society - rabbit may

Small Deformed Poops

These are small misshapen a rabbit's poop, which normally means your rabbit is not doing fine. When you notice these kinds of poops, you need to see the vet.

These deformed poop are normally caused by dehydration and poor feeding. In addition, it can result from gut blockage and when food can’t pass through your rabbit’s digestive tract easily.

Above all, you should take this seriously and have it treated like any other serious health issue in rabbits. However, there are situations where it’s normal to see your rabbit's poop like this.

A normal occurrence is when rabbits are recovering from GI stasis or surgeries they had.

rabbit may eat hay to improve diarrhea

Uniformed Cecotropes (Cecal Dysbiosis)

Cecal dysbiosis is another kind of abnormal rabbit poo. Moreover, they are cecotropes that are uniform and not in clusters. 

Furthermore, these uniformed cecotropes have a paste-like texture, which is equally sticky. This gummy texture makes it easily stick to a rabbit’s butt area and eventually form a ball of poop.

In addition, cecal dysbiosis stinks a lot and normally will attract flies. This abnormal rabbit poop can occur when gut bacteria in rabbit systems become unstable. 

Moreover, these poops are common symptoms of stress or diseases. Some of the most common causes of this unhealthy poop include:

bunny rabbit may eat unlimited hay but don't feed too many treats

Take Note! 

Cecal dysbiosis isn’t harmful especially when it lasts for only a short while. It can resolve on its own. 

However, if your rabbit's poop keeps appearing as uniformed cecotropes for a long time, you should take them to the vet so it doesn’t develop into a very serious condition.

Mushy Cecotropes (True Diarrhea)

Another mushy rabbit poop is true diarrhea. And just like the uniformed cecotropes, they are equally cecotropes but very mushy ones. 

In other words, true diarrhea is just the same as runny stool. Moreover, this kind of abnormal poop is mostly common in baby bunnies. 

That’s right! When baby rabbits are weaned very early, they’re likely to experience true diarrhea. This is because they don’t yet have strong immunity against harmful bacteria that can cause problems in their bodies. 

On the other hand, adult rabbits can also experience diarrhea, but it comes mostly from poisoning or infections from parasites

Nevertheless, mushy cecotropes are not common rabbit poops, but they are dangerous. Hence, as soon as you see your bunny producing these kinds of poop, don’t hesitate to see a vet.

sloppy droppings call for a vet visit

Dry Rabbit Poop

Generally, rabbit fecal pellets dry up after a while and it’s natural. But when rabbits' pellets appear dry immediately after they poop, it can mean your rabbit is dehydrated.

These kinds of rabbit poop do not only appear dry but also crumbly and out of form. It can be dry to the extent that freshly secreted poop will be so fragile and can fall apart easily. 

Additionally, you should know that intestinal disturbances, a low-fiber diet, or appetite loss can equally bring about dry rabbit poop.

bacteria in a rabbit's stomach can cause pain

Mucus in Poop

First, this is way different from the thin mucus that normally covers healthy cecotropes, which we discussed earlier. This particular mucus in rabbit poop is very easy to notice. 

This mucus has a jelly-like appearance with a thick and slimy nature. Moreover, it normally appears connecting rabbit fecal pellets. 

Sometimes this mucus covers rabbit poop entirely. However, you can also see your rabbit producing this mucus separately without being attached to fecal pellets. 

Furthermore, you should know that his abnormal rabbit poop mostly happens due to intestinal disturbances. And some common causes of these intestinal issues are cecal impaction, parasite infection, or mucoid enteropathy. 

Moreover, it's very common to see your rabbit producing this poop when they are experiencing GI Stasis. More specifically, it happens when they are about to experience it or afterward.

In addition, mucus in poop is another rare kind of rabbit dropping. Nevertheless, it's the kind of rabbit poop you should worry about. If your rabbit produces it, visit the vet along with a sample of the poop. 

droppings can be a sign of poor health

Common Causes of Abnormal Poops in Rabbits?

Numerous factors can bring about an abnormality in rabbit poops. However, some factors are the most common causes and we’ll be looking at them below:

Unhealthy Diet

Feeding rabbits foods high in sugar can create problems in their gastrointestinal tract. And these problems can range from mild ones to serious ones. 

Moreover, a diet lacking fiber can also cause problems in your rabbit's digestive system. Moreover, a major symptom of these gastrointestinal problems in rabbits is unhealthy poop.

Internal parasites and bacteria infections

Parasites and Diseases

Some common parasites in rabbits' guts include roundworms, tapeworms, and pinworms. These parasites can cause diarrhea or runny poops in rabbits.

Rabbits have a sensitive digestive system. And this makes their gut vulnerable to illness including the ones that aren't even associated with digestion. 

Additionally, if rabbits experience discomfort due to certain illnesses or feel stressed, they can start to have abnormal droppings.

round pellets stuck together, long hair


This condition does no good to rabbits and many other small pets. If a rabbit is overweight, it won’t move around very much. 

Moreover, lack of movement or exercise normally makes their gut slow down. As a result, rabbits will start to excrete mushy cecotropes and some other abnormal poops that appear tiny or deformed.

GI Stasis – Why Your Bunny is Not Pooping!

When you notice your rabbit isn’t pooping at all or stopped pooping for a long period, it might be experiencing gastrointestinal Stasis. This condition has to do with the slowing down or total halting of a rabbit’s gut.

In other words, GI stasis means your rabbit’s digestion has stopped functioning. And the result is your rabbit not pooping. Furthermore, a vet needs to attend to this condition immediately. 

Your bunny can recover if you notice the symptoms early. However, if your rabbit experiences GI stasis for long it can become a more serious condition and lead to death. 

To help you easily monitor this condition, here are some signs that a rabbit is experiencing GI Stasis:

rabbit may eat hay


Common Causes of GI Stasis in Rabbits

How to Prevent GI Stasis in Rabbits

sign of pain

Final Thoughts

To conclude, you now understand how the nature of rabbit poop can tell you about your pet's well-being. 

As a rabbit owner, you need to be able to differentiate rabbit normal poops from abnormal ones. Hence, you know the kind of poops you should be happy seeing.

It's equally important that you make it a habit to monitor your rabbit’s droppings from time to time. 

This way, you’ll be aware of their health status. More especially, it helps to keep you updated about the condition of your rabbit's digestive system.

Now that you know so much about rabbit poop, you shouldn't forget that rabbits can make a mess everywhere with their poop. 

This is where potty training your rabbit comes in handy. It's easy to do. Click here for the complete step-by-step guide! 

Can Rabbits Eat Celery? This is a common question every new rabbit owner asks, especially when planning which leafy greens to include in their pet rabbit’s diet for the first time. Celery is a healthy and tasty vegetable for humans, but that's not enough to conclude it's healthy for pet rabbits.

You can feed rabbits celery! Celery is a healthy, low-calorie treat that can be a part of your rabbit's diet in moderation. It's rich in fiber and nutrients like vitamin K, making it a great addition to their diet. However, always wash celery thoroughly to remove any pesticides, and cut it into small, manageable pieces to prevent a choking risk.

This blog serves as a complete guide to celery treats for rabbits. Keep reading to learn more about including celery in your rabbit's diet.

Don't forget to read our Master Bunny Care guide if you're new to owning and caring for a house rabbit.

Rabbit eating vegetables

Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

Absolutely, but only in moderate amounts. This means you should serve them celery as part of a balanced diet and only a few days a week. Most rabbits love this crispy and crunchy vegetable!

Celery plants have many health benefits for your rabbit. It's a low-sugar vegetable loaded with fiber, vitamins A, B6, B9, K, and many other essential nutrients. There are some risks you should be aware of when feeding celery.

This leafy green contains a lot of calcium that can be detrimental to your bunny in large quantities. Although calcium is vital for bone and teeth development, it can harm your rabbit when they consume too much of it. This is the main reason why you must feed your rabbit celery as part of a vegetable portion instead of the main meal.

The ribs or strings on the stalks are also a risk. They are very tough, which makes them a choking hazard if not properly prepared. Also, remember that rabbits don't need vitamin C in their diets.

Now that you know that rabbits can eat celery, you need to know how to prepare and add it to your rabbit's diet properly.

celery, vegetables

How To Safely Add Celery To Your Rabbit’s Diet

You need to remember a few things when preparing to add celery to your rabbit's diet. This fibrous plant should not be the main thing your bunny eats at any point. Your rabbit's diet should consist mainly of fresh grass hay, a variety of leafy green and root vegetables, hay-based pellets, and a few pieces of fruit as a treat once in a while.

When including celery as part of your rabbit's vegetable portion, you need to make sure you feed the right amount and pay attention to the presentation. A few precautions and the right preparation will keep your bunny safe. If this is your first time feeding celery to your bunny, you can follow the steps below:

  • Pick The Right Celery For Rabbits

Start by selecting fresh, organic celery for your rabbit. Stick to the bright green stalks if you can, but rabbits will eat the place stalks as well. You can get them from grocery shops or organic stores.

Another option is to get organic produce from vegetable farmers in your area. If you have the space in your yard to be a vegetable farmer for our bunnies, I'd recommend that you grow celery yourself. This way, you'll be 100% sure the celery is pesticide-free.

Make sure you buy celery with the leaves still intact. Celery leaves are healthy for rabbits, so it’s safe to include them.

Avoid any wilting celery or leftovers that have been seasoned for your own meals.

  • Wash It Thoroughly 

After picking up some fresh produce for your pet rabbit, the next thing to do is wash the celery. You should do this preferably under running, lukewarm water.

Washing celery or any other veggie is vital. Doing so helps to get rid of dust and chemicals like pesticides. Chemical-free food in a rabbit's diet is very important for their health.

  • Preparing Celery Servings

As insignificant as celery strings are, you need to either peel them off or make sure that you cut them into small enough pieces not to matter. Celery strings are a choking hazard to your rabbit if left intact.

After washing, take your time to remove every celery string on the celery sticks if you want to feed them whole. Alternatively, cut the stalk into 0.5-inch (1.27cm) pieces. Once you’re done, feed only about two inches (5 cm) of the celery stalk (less than half a stick, depending on size).

If you plan to mix celery with other plant-based foods (i.e., a veggie salad), use vegetables that are low in calcium.

If this is the first time you're including celery in your rabbits' diet, feed only one or two small pieces and watch for gastrointestinal problems.

Cut celery for rabbits

By Didriks

  • Monitor your bunny

This step is one you should never overlook. Feeding your rabbit celery is one thing. Making sure they are okay with it is another.

A rabbit's digestive tract can react to a new food it's not used to processing. You need to watch your rabbit closely after feeding it celery.

A period of about 24 hours is enough to spot any changes. If there are any signs of discomfort or digestive issues in your rabbit, you should not feed them celery again until they get better.

If you try serving celery to your rabbit again after some time has passed and they still react badly to it, don’t feed them celery again. Normally, these symptoms resolve on their own, but if it persists, you should take your rabbit to a vet.

However, if nothing happens when your bunny first tries out celery, you can confidently add celery to its diet again. But remember to feed in moderation.

Take Note:

When you’re sure your rabbit is done eating the celery, you should remove any remaining celery. If it stays too long, bacteria will form on them. And you surely do not want this celery remnant getting in your bunny’s mouth.


celery vegetable

Which Parts Of Celery Are Safe For Rabbits?

Can rabbits eat the whole celery plant? Keep reading below to find out!

The parts of celery:

  • The stalks – (Also called celery sticks or stems) are the main part of the celery plant that rabbits may consume. However, it's safe only in moderate amounts, so your rabbit can enjoy it without having any health problems.
  • The leaves - Celery leaves are also safe to feed your rabbit. The leaves count as leafy vegetables and can be fed in larger amounts. Make sure not to overdo it, however.
  • The Strings – The strings are located on the outer part of celery, and it’s quite tough. It's hard for rabbits to chew and digest. It can also get stuck in your rabbit's teeth and throat, which may cause choking. If you feed your rabbit celery strings, make sure to cut the celery into small pieces.
  • The Roots – Celery roots are also safe for rabbits to consume in moderation. They are rich in fiber and also contain other healthy vitamins and minerals. Feel free to give your rabbit a celery root or two.

The Health Benefits Of Celery

Celery is loaded with a lot of healthy nutrients—both vitamins and minerals. As a result, your rabbits can benefit from celery in different ways. See them below:

  • Dietary Fiber – This is important in keeping your rabbit's digestive system in good condition. Dietary fiber also improves regular bowel movements and prevents digestive problems.
  • Vitamin K – Vitamin K creates the protein that clots blood. Furthermore, it helps to reduce bleeding, close up wounds, and speeds up healing.
  • Folate – Folate (also called folic acid or vitamin B9) boosts immunity and the creation of red blood cells. This vitamin aids pregnancy and the growth of young rabbits.
  • Potassium – Potassium is a very important nutrient for rabbits' cardiovascular health. It promotes good muscle contraction, good breathing, and proper flow of blood. Above all, it prevents heart-related issues.
  • Vitamin B6 – This is an amazing nutrient in celery that helps reduce stress and anxiety. It can promote a happy mood, relaxation, and sleep quality in rabbits.
  • Magnesium – This mineral is proven to be helpful in the prevention and treatment of bladder sludge in rabbits.
  • Water – This veggie is loaded with water – about 95%. That is great for your rabbit as they get to enjoy this tasty veggie snack and stay hydrated at the same time.

rabbits eating celery

By Greg Hewgill - Flickr

How Much Celery Should I Feed My Rabbits?

The answer to this question, ‘Can rabbits eat celery?’, is never answered in its entirety without knowing the proper serving size. Rabbits should have less than half a celery stalk (2 inches (5cm) of celery). This is the moderate amount they should eat to remain safe.

Furthermore, introducing celery slowly into their diet is important, especially if it is their first time having it. You don’t want this new food to upset your rabbits' digestive systems.

It’s better to start with smaller chunks of celery (smaller than the recommended serving size). Monitor any changes in your rabbit, especially in their behavior and stool, for 24 hours.

If no issue arises, feel free to feed your rabbit the normal serving size. However, if you spot any negative reactions, stop feeding them celery completely after the second try. Make sure to let them recover before you feed celery again.

Can You Feed Your Rabbits Celery Every Day?

No, you should not offer celery treats to rabbits every day. Celery should not be a major food source in a rabbit's diet, so only offer it to them occasionally, about 2-3 times a week.

This kind of schedule helps to reduce the chances of calcium in celery hurting your rabbit. Moreover, in those few days you skip, you can feed your rabbit some other vegetable, preferably one low in calcium.

Despite the benefits of celery being many, overfeeding it to your bunnies can create many health issues.

Other Alternatives To Celery For Rabbits

You should know that rabbits, like humans, have preferences. If your rabbit doesn’t like celery, it’s totally fine! Feed them some other vegetables as treats.

Additionally, it is not proper to feed your rabbit a particular veggie all the time. Add some variety to their diet!

There are many healthy options for a veggie swap. See them below;

  • Brussel sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Bell peppers
  • Zucchini
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber
  • Parsnip

rabbits eating broccoli, food, fresh vegetables

Take Note:

Just like celery, rabbits can only eat these vegetables in moderation too. Some might be high in sugar or calcium which is bad for rabbits. Hence, make sure you feed the proper serving sizes for these veggies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Rabbits Eat Celery Leaves? 

Of course, feel free to serve celery leaves to your rabbits. The leaves are just like any other leafy vegetables that rabbits munch with delight.

Interestingly, celery leaves do not have strings on them, unlike the stalks. Moreover, it's the softest part of the celery plant to chew.

However, you should not be ignorant of the calcium and oxalate content in celery leaves. These can cause health problems for your rabbit like bladder stones and other urinary problems.

Hence, you should only serve rabbits celery leaves in moderate-sized servings and on rare occasions. Do not forget to always wash celery leaves thoroughly before serving to your rabbit.

Can Rabbits Eat Celery Roots (Celeriac)

Rabbits can eat celery roots, also called celeriac. These roots are filled with fiber and many other healthy nutrients for bunnies. However, their lump-like appearance and brown color make them seem unattractive and inedible.

Many rabbit owners avoid serving their pet rabbits roots, thinking it might be toxic. However, that is not the case. Roots are actually healthy for rabbits in small quantities.

Keep in mind that they are v

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Celery

Cooked celery is not safe for rabbits. You should completely avoid feeding your rabbit celery that is cooked or processed.

Generally, a rabbit's digestive system is designed to process only raw plant foods. This means their tummies don’t break down cooked or processed foods pretty well.

In the process, your rabbit might end up suffering from serious digestive problems, which in worse cases can be fatal. Hence, stick to feeding your rabbit raw celery only when it's fresh.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Celery?

No, you should avoid feeding baby rabbits celery. They have a more sensitive digestive system than mature rabbits.

This means that baby rabbits can't digest certain foods. And this includes fruits and vegetables.

In addition, they can get the vitamins and minerals they need from their mother's milk. This is what they need at the very early stages of their lives.

Even before they start eating vegetables and fruits, hay and pellets must first come into their diet. When they're about three months old, you can start to introduce other foods like celery.

Though celery isn't toxic, baby bunnies can suffer digestive issues if you introduce celery before they're three months old.

Do Wild Rabbits Eat Celery? 

Wild rabbits do not normally eat celery. The areas where wild celery grows aren't places where you can find a wild bunny.

Bunnies living in the wild eat mostly grass or hay. This is similar to how your pet rabbit needs hay in their diet the most.

The diet of wild rabbits also includes leafy weeds, plant shoots, flowers, and shrubs. Moreover, a wild bunny also feeds on twigs and tree bark, especially during winter.

However, a wild bunny can eat celery if you offer it to them to if they have access to the plant in your garden. Excess celery can create health issues for wild rabbits too, so make sure to fence off your celery garden.

rabbit, bunny, hare eating grass


So can rabbits eat celery? Definitely. They are crunchy, healthy, and make great veggie treats for rabbits.

Don't forget your rabbit’s diet should mostly consist of quality hay, grass, and clean water. Bunnies eat fruits and vegetables only as occasional treats and celery isn't an exception.

Rabbits can eat celery stalks, leaves, and even roots. However, you should always peel off the strings on the celery stalk or cut them into small pieces during preparation. This part can choke your bunny or get stuck in your rabbit's teeth.

Remember to gradually introduce celery to your rabbit. Follow the steps in this article to make sure you’re doing it right.

Click here to learn more about a rabbit's diet, especially the different foods they can eat.

Can rabbits eat banana like guinea pigs? This is a question that often pops up in the mind of new rabbit owners. As a rabbit owner, it is your responsibility to make sure your fluffy pet gets only the best after all. This means that you will need to know what fruits your bunny can and can’t eat. 

You may have noticed that rabbits go bananas for some fruits, but can they actually eat banana fruit? In this article, we will discuss a rabbit’s love of of this fruit and what effect it will have on your fluffy friend’s health. 

Now it’s time to go a bit bananas and get you some answers.

Can Rabbits Eat Banana?

Rabbits can eat bananas, but it should be fed in moderation. This means feeding it as an occasional treat only. Banana may be rich in vitamins, magnesium and potassium, but they also contain a lot of sugar. Sugar can cause digestive upsets, dental problems and obesity in rabbits so make sure you feed the right amount if you don’t want to end up with a sick bunny. 

Never feed a rabbit under the age of 3 months banana. Their digestive systems are still underdeveloped and the sugar content may make them very sick. 

can rabbits eat bananas

How To Safely Add Banana To Your Rabbit’s Diet

Banana, like guava, is a fruit that should only be fed as occasional treats. Fruits usually contain a lot of sugar that may lead to several kinds of problems in your bunny. The most common health problems associated with overfeeding fruit is obesity and digestive upsets. 

So can rabbits eat this fruit or is it too risky? Fortunately, if done right, rabbits can eat fruits like bananas safely without any negative effects. The general rule for feeding any kind of fruit is one teaspoon of fruit per kilogram (2 pounds) of body weight no more than three times a week. Since banana is a fruit, this rule will apply. 

Here are some tips for safely feeding banana to your rabbit:

  • Wash the banana properly

It is very important to wash bananas properly before feeding them to your long-eared friends. Even better, buy organic bananas especially if you’re planning on feeding the skin as well. Pet rabbits are very sensitive to pesticides and can get very sick and even die if you aren’t careful. To remove pesticides, wash the banana in lukewarm water with some baking soda. 

  • Prepare the serving

If this is the first time you’ll be feeding banana to your pet rabbit, you can start with a very small piece as an introduction to this fruit. The usual amount you can feed safely is 5.4 cm (2 ⅛ of an inch) per 2.3 kg (5 pounds) of body weight. Also, restrict feeding banana to two or three times a week. 

Bananas can be fed with the peel on. The peel is good for rabbits, but only if it came from an organic source. Keep in mind that rabbits can get addicted to bananas so it is extra important to keep to the serving size. 

banana serving

  • Observe

Since you've googled 'Car rabbits eat banana' I'm assuming this is the first time you'll be feeding this fruit. Keeping an eye on your bunny friend after introducing a new fruit is very important.

If your furry friend has any negative reactions to the banana, you can step in before the situation becomes serious. 24 hours is usually a good amount of time to observe your rabbit before feeding more banana.

If you see any signs of discomfort or diarrhea, don't feed banana again until your bunny recovered. You can try again in a few months time. If your rabbit get's sick again, don't feed banana.

If the symptoms persist for more than a week, it is best to take your pet to the veterinarian. If nothing happens after the initial introduction, you can continue feeding this fruit, but do make sure not to overfeed!

Overfeeding can lead to complications such as obesity and gastrointestinal stasis (the gut stops working) which can be fatal to rabbits. Also, avoid overripe bananas since they contain more sugar. 

Which Parts Of A Banana Can Rabbits Eat?

Some fruits are safe with some conditions while other rabbit food can be fed freely. Bananas are one of the fruits that can be fed freely as long as you follow the correct portion size. Some parts, however, are better than others. Let’s take a look...

The parts of banana:

  • Flesh - The flesh, unlike the flesh of other fruits, is the healthiest part of a banana. It contains almost all the nutrients where other fruits store their nutrients in the skin. 
  • The peel - Banana peel is safe for rabbits to eat in small amounts, but only if the banana came from an organic source. It doesn’t contain as many nutrients as the flesh so there is no loss if you decide to rather discard it. 

The Health Benefits Of Banana Nutrients

Bananas contain a lot of beneficial nutrients for rabbits. Some of these nutrients include:

  • Phosphorus - This is a very important mineral when it comes to bone health and development in rabbits.
  • Vitamin B6 - This vitamin plays a role in the proper functioning of the immune system and improves red blood cell health. It also helps the nervous system to function as it should. 
  • Vitamin C - Rabbit's don't really need this one. They produce their own vitamin C.  One of the side effects of too much vitamin C is kidney damage.
  • Folate - This vitamin improves red blood cell production and aids the immune system. Folate helps to convert glucose into energy and improve fertility in rabbits. It is also commonly known as vitamin B9.
  • Magnesium - Magnesium is often used to prevent and treat bladder sludge in rabbits. 
  • Potassium - This nutrient helps rabbits to reach maximum size, improves heart health, helps to reduce stress and improve the quality of sleep.
  • Manganese - This mineral is important for protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism in rabbits.
  • Water - Water is required for the digestive tract to keep working and to prevent dehydration. Bananas will contribute a little towards this cause due to consisting of 75% water. 

Banana Alternatives Rabbits Can Eat

Some one said banana?

Are you afraid your bunny will get addicted to bananas? No worries, you can try these fruits and vegetables as alternatives: 

  • Papaya
  • Apricot
  • Mango
  • Melons (any – can include peel and seeds)
  • Guava
  • Carrots
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Bell peppers

Also, keep in mind that fruits should not make up more than 10% of your rabbit’s weekly diet. It is also very important to check if fruit should be peeled and if the seeds are harmful. In the case of bananas, you can remove the peel if you want to avoid exposing your bunny friend to more pesticides. Hay is still the most important component in any rabbit diet. 


Can bananas kill rabbits?

The short answer here is no. Bananas are completely safe if fed in the right quantities. The problem lies with pesticides. If you feed a rabbit banana covered in pesticides, it may end up dead or seriously ill. 

Can bananas give rabbits diarrhea?

It is definitely possible, especially if fed to baby bunnies or too much at once. Bananas contain a lot of sugar which may upset a rabbit’s sensitive digestive tract. If you don’t keep to the serving size or feed baby bunnies under the age of three months banana, you will most likely end up with a sick rabbits. 

Can rabbits eat whole bananas?

Definitely, as long as the banana is pesticide-free and cut up into the correct serving size. Rabbits can consume both the peel and the flesh of the banana. In fact, they can even eat the banana plant!

Can Rabbits eat banana leaves?

Yes, the leaves are healthier than the banana. Leaves can be fed in large quantities and much more often than the fruit. If you have a banana plant, adding the leaves to your fluffy friend's diet daily is a very good idea. You can include it in the ration of daily leafy greens your bunny gets fed. 

Some rabbits are a bit pickier than others. If your bunny doesn't eat the leaves, it's not the end of the world. 

Can rabbits eat banana peels

Yes, but only if the bananas were sourced from an organic farm. Pesticides on the peels can be very dangerous to bunnies, so if you're not sure, rather don't feed the peel. The peel isn't as nutritious as the actual food anyway so there is no loss. 

Can rabbits eat banana chips?

Bunnies can eat dried banana as long as it's fed in moderation. 

Banana Conclusion 

So can rabbits eat bananas? Bananas are safe for bunnies and guinea pigs to eat, but you need to be careful of how much banana you feed at once. Rabbits can get addicted to bananas and will beg relentlessly for more. You, as the owner, will have to draw the line to keep your baby healthy. 

Rabbits are individuals and may react differently when you introduce new foods, so keep an eye on your long-eared friend for the first 24 hours. If you want to learn more about what rabbits can eat, click here. 

Can rabbits eat guava? This is the first question that should come to mind before sharing this delicious fruit with your fluffy pet. Rabbits are excellent beggars and usually get whatever they want, but as a responsible pet owner, you must make sure your bunny only eats rabbit-safe foods.

Rabbits can eat guava, but only as a treat. Guava fruit has a high sugar content, and the seeds can be a choking hazard. You can also let your rabbits eat guava leaves. The leaves are much safer than the fruit and can be fed daily.

Make sure to read our article on how to feed your rabbit properly. Your cotton-tailed friend needs more than just fruits to stay healthy.

To get back on track, let's look at a few details you should know before feeding your rabbits guava.

Rabbit and guava

Can Rabbits Eat Guava Fruit?

Definitely, but it should be fed as a treat. You should take a few precautions when feeding guava to your rabbits. Guava is rich in sugar, and the seeds can be a choking hazard. Baby rabbits should never be fed guava since their sensitive digestive systems aren't ready to handle the sugar content. 

How to Safely Add Guava to Your Rabbit's Diet

Guava, also called common guava, lemon guava, or apple guava, and scientifically referred to as Psidium guajava, is an evergreen shrub or small tree that produces safe fruit for rabbits to eat. Keep in mind, like all fruits, guava is only a treat and should not be fed as a staple food source in your rabbit's diet.

Most fruits are very high in sugar. Overfeeding fruits can cause dental problems, weight gain, digestive upset, and joint issues in rabbits. Excess amounts of sugar cause bad bacteria in the digestive system to multiply out of control, leading to diarrhea, bloat, and other stomach problems.

Don't get me wrong, guava is still safe for rabbits, but only if fed in the right amounts. The general rule for feeding fruits is one teaspoon of fruit per kilogram (about two pounds) of body weight two to three times a week. This rule also applies to guavas.

Here's what you should know to safely prepare and feed guava to your rabbits:

green guava

  • Pick The Right Kind of Guava

It is best to feed a rabbit guava with a yellowish-green color. This color indicates the guava is ready to be eaten but not yet overripe.

Unripe green guava is too hard for a rabbit to eat and may damage its teeth or cause choking and digestive system problems like blockages.

Overripe, yellow guavas, on the other hand, are very high in sugar, which may lead to diarrhea, weight gain, stomach upset, and, in the worst case, gastrointestinal stasis (GI stasis).

It's also very important to stick to feeding organic guava if possible. Pesticides are very dangerous to bunnies. This brings us to the next point:

  • Wash the Guava Properly

If you can’t find organic guava, you will need to be extra diligent when preparing this fruit for your rabbits. Bunnies are very sensitive to pesticides and may get very sick if they eat guava covered in dangerous chemicals.

Make sure to properly wash your guavas in lukewarm water to remove any pesticide remnants. This goes for both organic and other guavas—rather safe than sorry, right? I would even go so far as to use a mild dishwashing soap to make sure all the pesticides are gone.

  • Prepare the Serving

Cut the guava into four quarters. You can remove the seeds if you want to avoid this potential choking hazard. Depending on body size, your rabbit should be able to eat one quarter safely.

If you have a very small breed, like a Netherland Dwarf, you will need to adjust the portion further to avoid overfeeding on guava. If you're feeding a fruit salad-type meal, make sure to adjust the amount of guava to accommodate any other fruits in the meal.

Remember the general rule for fruits: One teaspoon of fruit per kilogram (roughly two pounds) of body weight two to three times a week. This goes for all the fruit together, not just the guava.

  • Observe

This is the most important step. Feed only a very small amount when introducing any new foods. Observe your rabbit for 24 hours after the introduction.

Stop feeding guava immediately if you notice any signs of diarrhea or pain. You should also contact your veterinarian immediately if the symptoms don't go away after a week or seem to get worse.

You can continue to feed this fruit in safe quantities if nothing bad happens after the initial introduction.

Rabbit licking lips after eating guava

Which Parts of Guavas Can Rabbits Eat?

Not all parts of all fruits are safe for rabbits to eat. Fortunately, the guava is completely safe; but you should keep a few things in mind.

  • Skin – The skin of the guava is the healthiest part for rabbits, but make sure to wash it. Pesticides can be present on the skin, so stick to feeding organic if possible.
  • Flesh – The sweet flesh contains a lot of nutrients but is also high in sugar. Feeding too much guava flesh can cause stomach upset.
  • Seeds – The seeds are safe to consume but can pose a choking hazard. It’s best to limit or even avoid them completely to prevent any danger to your rabbit. It’s okay if there are a few seeds on the flesh, but never let your rabbits eat guava seeds on their own.

Guava's Nutritional Profile: What Does It Contain?

Guavas contain many important nutrients that will help your rabbit stay healthy. Some of these nutrients are:

  • Dietary fiber – Dietary fiber is necessary to keep your rabbit’s digestive system healthy and their teeth worn down to a good length.
  • Phosphorus – This mineral is very important for bone health and development in rabbits.
  • Beta-carotene – This nutrient is an antioxidant that is very important for skin, eye, and brain health in rabbits.
  • Niacin – This anti-inflammatory nutrient helps keep your rabbit's skin, nervous, and digestive system healthy. It is also known as vitamin B3.
  • Vitamin B6 – This vitamin is very important for the proper functioning of the immune system. It also improves red blood cell health and nervous system health.
  • Folate – Also known as vitamin B9, this vitamin improves red blood cell production and aids the immune system. It is also used to improve fertility in rabbits and helps to convert glucose from sweet foods into energy.
  • Vitamin K - A very important vitamin for injured rabbits since it promotes recovery and nerve regeneration.
  • Magnesium – An essential mineral for preventing and treating bladder sludge in rabbits.
  • Potassium – This nutrient helps reduce stress and improve sleep quality. It also ensures maximum growth in rabbits and improves heart health.
  • Fat - Improves feed efficiency and increases digestible energy in the rabbit's diet

Can Rabbits Eat Guava Leaves?

The leaves of the guava tree are more beneficial to your rabbit than the fruits. They are high in fiber and low in sugar, making them an ideal rabbit treat. Guava leaves are quite tough, which will help with keeping your rabbit's teeth and gums healthy. You can also feed leaves more regularly without any negative effects.

Remember to take care when introducing this food since rabbits have sensitive stomachs and don't always do well when changing diets. If your rabbit isn't used to eating leaves, do a slow introduction with three or four leaves and then wait 24 hours to see how your rabbit reacts. Guava leaves can be added to your rabbit's regular feed as a supplement.

guava fruit

Can Rabbits Eat Guava Branches?

The branches of the guava tree are not rabbit safe. They are extremely hard, which means they will damage your rabbit's teeth, get stuck between the teeth, and can cause choking and stomach upset. Too much fiber from these branches can cause diarrhea in your rabbit and may potentially cause internal damage and bleeding—nobody wants that!

To be safe, avoid giving your rabbit guava branches. Rather keep to the fruits and leaves as safer alternatives.

Can Rabbits Eat Guava Seeds?

The seeds of guava are not toxic to rabbits. Just make sure you don't feed them on their own. Seeds from guava fruits can be a choking hazard. Rather be safe than sorry!

If you can, rather feed the skin of the guava; or even skip the fruit completely and go straight for the leaves. Unlike fruits, guava leaves are much healthier for bunnies and can be fed regularly without any stomach upset.

Can Rabbits Eat Guava Skin?

The skin of guava is the healthiest part of the fruit, at least for bunnies. It contains the least amount of sugar and plenty of fiber. Your cotton-tailed friend will thank you for occasionally adding guava skin to their daily food since they love a sweet treat every once in a while.


So, can rabbits eat guava? These fruits are definitely safe for your rabbit to eat, and they are also quite healthy if fed in moderation. Make sure you take the necessary precautions to avoid stomach problems and other risks. Every rabbit is different, so do keep an eye on your bun-bun when you introduce this juicy treat.

If you'd rather not let your furry friend eat guava, you can try banana, melon, mango or kiwi fruits as alternatives. Remember that bunnies can't just eat guava, they also need unlimited hay, rabbit pellets, vegetables, and leafy greens to breed healthy stomach bacteria.

As a final farewell, here's a cute video of rabbits eating guava from @RabbitvideosUS:

If you want to know more about rabbit diets, check out our other articles by clicking here


As a new rabbit owner, it is very important to know what to feed your rabbit everyday. There are many myths out there that are accepted by the general population that will negatively affect your bunny’s health. If you want to do things right, make sure you know how to feed your bunny.

If you're not 100% sure what to do, take a look at the myths involved below to make sure you don't feed your rabbit junk food. There's also some tips that will tell you how to correctly feed your precious pet.

Let's get started.

Rabbit Feeding Myths

Knowing what to feed your rabbit everyday isn’t as easy as it seems. Here’s why you shouldn’t always believe everything you hear without doing your own research or asking an expert…

Myth - Rabbits eat only carrots and lettuce

Rabbits cannot survive if you feed them only carrots and lettuce, in fact, some kinds of lettuce can potentially kill your rabbit. Iceberg lettuce, for example, contains lactucarium which is a compound that can be poisonous in large amounts. Light coloured lettuce also contains a lot of water and not much else making them pointless when it comes to rabbit nutrition. 

Dark, fibrous lettuce, like romaine lettuce, is much better and quite nutritious to a bunny. If you decide to feed your rabbit lettuce, make sure to introduce it slowly to avoid digestive upsets. Lettuce should also not be fed as a sole food source but mixed with other fruits and vegetables to create a balanced diet. 

Carrots, on the other hand, are root vegetables. Rabbits don’t usually eat root vegetables in the wild and thus carrots should only be fed as a treat. It is also very high in sugar which may cause dental problems if consumed regularly. 

what to feed your rabbit everyday

Myth - Rabbits only need rabbit pellets as food

If you're wondering what to feed your rabbit everyday, you can never go wrong with hay. A rabbit’s main diet should be hay. If you feed too many pellets, it can lead to weight gain and digestive problems. Some commercial rabbit food may also contain harmful ingredients. 

Muesli should be avoided completely since it causes dental and digestive problems. Rabbits only need pellets for the vitamins and minerals they contain. Pellets and nuggets will also help with wearing down the teeth and will help a sick rabbit to gain some weight. 

You cannot feed a rabbit only pellets because they are natural grazers. They need a large amount of hay in their diets to keep their digestive system functioning as it should. 

Myth - Hay is only for nesting

Hay is often marketed as animal bedding. While this is true to some extend, rabbits also need it as a food source to stay healthy. Rabbits are grazers and need large amounts of fibre in their diets to stay healthy. Grass hay should be fed daily to provide this fibre and to wear down your rabbit’s teeth. 

What To Feed Your Rabbit Everyday

Like you might have noticed, rabbits need more than just carrots and lettuce to stay healthy. They also have very sensitive digestive systems that don’t do well with any sudden changes. Whatever you do, don’t make any major changes to your rabbit’s diet in a short time, introduce new foods over a period of a few days or even weeks to make sure your bunny doesn’t get sick.

Hay - The Most Important Food In Your Rabbit’s Diet

Hay is a rabbit staple. Rabbits are grazers which means they consume large quantities of grass every day. Rabbits should be fed good quality grass hay like timothy hay to keep them healthy. 

Hay wears down your rabbit’s continuously growing teeth, provide important vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre that keeps the digestive system healthy. Your bunny needs unlimited access to hay since it makes up around 80 to 90 percent of a healthy rabbit’s diet. Healthy rabbits will usually eat a ball of hay the size of their bodies every day. 

The hay you buy should be fresh with no sign of mold and not too much dust. Hay made from legumes like Alfalfa hay also isn’t great for adult rabbits since it is too rich and contains too much protein. Alfalfa hay can occasionally be fed as a treat and it can be fed to rabbits under the age of one year as a staple to help them grow. 

Hay can also be used in a litter box to encourage rabbits to use it. This will help with rabbit house training if you have a free roaming bunny.

rabbit feeding

Vegetables And Herbs

Vegetables and herbs are the second most important component in a rabbit’s diet, especially the leafy greens. Most rabbits favour leafy vegetables when given the choice. Most of the vegetables that you consume are also safe for your rabbit, with a few exceptions of course. 

Baby rabbits or rabbits under the age of 6 months should not be fed any vegetables yet. At this stage, their digestive systems are still too immature to deal with the richness of some vegetables.

Adult rabbits, on the other hand, should be fed around two cups of vegetables a day depending on their size. Dwarf breeds should be fed no more than one cup of vegetables per day. It is ideal to feed a variety of two or three different vegetables every day, but keep in mind that vegetables should only make up 10 to 20 percent of your rabbit’s diet. 

Make sure to introduce only one vegetable at a time. Start with a small bite-sized piece and wait 24 hours before you feed your rabbit more of this vegetable. If you see no reaction, you can feed larger quantities. To be safe, don’t introduce another vegetable until around 4 weeks have gone past with no side effects to the first vegetable you introduced. Do the same thing every time you introduce a new food. 

Vegetables and herbs for daily feeding: 

  • Bell peppers
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrot tops (the leafy part)
  • Celery
  • Cucumber
  • Fennel
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Dill
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Arugula lettuce
  • Butter lettuce
  • Radish tops (the leafy part)
  • Sprouts: alfalfa, radish, clover
  • Wheatgrass
  • Zucchini


Fruits, although nutritious, should not be fed to your rabbit often. They can be used as treats two or three times a week. The reason for this is that they contain a lot of sugar which will lead to dental, digestive and weight problems. Experts suggest only including around 5 to 10 percent fruits in your rabbit’s diet per week. This equates to two tablespoons per 2 kilograms (5 pounds) of body weight per serving. 

Most fruits are safe for rabbits to consume if fed in the right quantities. There are some exceptions so make sure to do your research before feeding your rabbit a new fruit. You will also need to follow the same procedure of feeding a small amount and waiting for at least 24 hours to check for any negative reactions. Some rabbits can be allergic to some fruits. 

Rabbit safe fruits to try:

  • Apple (no seeds)
  • Banana
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Cranberries
  • Cherries (no seeds)
  • Grapes
  • Guava
  • Melon
  • Nectarine
  • Orange
  • Peach
  • Pear
  • Plum
  • Watermelon


rabbit feeding

Pellets are important to make sure your rabbit gets all the minerals and vitamins it needs to stay healthy. It will also help to wear down the teeth. Pellets can potentially lead to weight gain and should thus not be overfed. 

It is best to feed timothy hay-based pellets to adult rabbits since alfalfa contains too much protein for them which may lead to kidney damage. Baby rabbits under the age of one year can be fed alfalfa pellets, but only if you’re feeding grass hay. If you’re feeding alfalfa hay, keep to the timothy hay-based pellets. 

Rabbits under the age of 8 months can be fed pellets free choice. Adult rabbits on the other hand should not be fed more than 25 grams (0.9 ounces) of pellets per kilogram (2 pounds) of body weight daily. 

It is best to avoid pellets that contain dried corn, seeds and nuts since these ingredients may cause digestive problems. 


As a quick summary, have a look at this rabbit feeding pyramid to make sure you know what to feed your rabbit everyday.

Rabbit feeding

If you’re doing research for your new pet bunny, also have a look at the essentials you will need to keep your new rabbit healthy, safe and happy


Can you feed your rabbit carrots?

Yes, but only in small amounts. Rabbits don't usually eat root vegetables like carrots, but even they neat a sweet treat every now and then.

Can you feed your rabbit celery?

Yes, but make sure to feed the right amount and prepare it correctly. Celery has a tough string that needs to be cut for safety.

Can you feed your rabbit grass clippings?

No, the heat and crushing action of the lawnmower will cause the grass to ferment prematurely. This can cause an upset stomach in some rabbits.

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