a sliced mango cubes on gray surface

Can Rabbits Eat Mangoes? (A Guide On Mango Feeding)

Posted by Rita on 25 August 2023

As a bunny owner, I know how important it is to provide my rabbits with a varied and nutritious diet, and I know the same goes for you. While hay and fresh greens should be the staple of a rabbit's diet, I also like to offer them some sweet foods like fruits. That brings us to the question: Can bunnies eat mangoes?

Rabbits can eat mangoes, but only as a treat. Mangoes are a great source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, which are essential for a rabbit's health and can help boost its immune system. However, mango fruit is high in sugar and vitamin C, which can cause health problems for rabbits if they eat too much.

In this article, we will explore the topic of rabbits eating mangoes and provide you with all the information you need to know to incorporate these sweet fruits into your bunny's diet safely.

mango cut open, opened mango fruit, fruit

Can Rabbits Eat Mangoes?

As a bunny breeder, I often get asked if rabbits can eat mangoes. The answer is yes; rabbits can eat mangoes, but only as an occasional treat.

Mangoes are a great source of minerals and vitamins, but like all fruits, they contain a lot of sugar. Fruits with a lot of sugar can cause health problems for rabbits, such as obesity, joint problems, kidney failure, and gastrointestinal (GI) stasis. So, it is important to feed mangoes to your rabbit in moderation.

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Mangoes?

Baby rabbits have delicate digestive systems and need a specific diet to grow properly. While it is safe for adult rabbits to have mangoes, feeding mangoes to baby rabbits is not recommended. Baby rabbits should stick to their mother's milk (until six weeks old), hay, and specially formulated rabbit pellets until they are at least three months old. After that, you can gradually introduce fruits and vegetables into their diet.

It is important to note that while rabbits can eat mango safely, not all fruits and vegetables are safe for them. Some fruits and vegetables can cause digestive problems or even be toxic to rabbits. So, it is important to do your research before feeding your rabbit any new food.

mango, mango fruit for rabbit

Health Benefits Of Mangoes For Rabbits

As a rabbit owner, it's important to ensure that your furry friend gets a balanced diet that includes a variety of hay, fruits, and vegetables. Mangoes are one fruit you can consider adding to your bunny's diet.

Mangoes are a great source of essential nutrients for rabbits, such as:

  • Biotin: For a healthy bunny coat and a boost in overall health.

  • Vitamin A: This vitamin is essential for maintaining your rabbit's vision, reproduction 9if you're a breeder), intestinal membrane health, and proper growth.

  • Vitamin E: This vitamin protects the liver and stops protein and lipid oxidation.

  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 (Folate). These B-complex vitamins help to protect the nervous system, reduce the risk of heart disease, and prevent problems such as anemia.

  • Potassium: THis mineral is essential for a healthy metabolism, muscle function, and nerve function.

  • Iron: This mineral is required to produce hemoglobin, which helps prevent anemia.

  • Magnesium: It's important to include magnesium in your bunny's diet for maintaining strong, healthy bones and activity levels.

  • Fiber: Besides being a good source of minerals and vitamins, mangoes are also high in fiber. Fiber is important for maintaining good digestive health in rabbits and can help to prevent gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea.

Remember that mangos also contain a lot of Vitamin C. While vitamin C helps boost the immune system and can help prevent illnesses and diseases in rabbits, too much vitamin C can lead to kidney damage. Rabbits can produce their own vitamin C inside their bodies, so this is one vitamin you don't need to worry about.

Prepare mango for bunnies

Introducing Mango Into Your Bunny's Diet

Mango can be a tasty and nutritious addition to your rabbit's diet, but it should only be offered as a treat.

Feeding Mango To Your Rabbit

When introducing mango to your rabbit, starting slowly and feeding in small amounts is important. Monitor your rabbit's reaction to the fruit and stop feeding mango if you notice any signs of digestive upset.

How Much Mango to Feed

Rabbits can eat mango in moderation. A good rule of thumb is limiting mango to 1-2 tablespoons of mango per two pounds (0.9 KG) of rabbit body weight two times per week.

Preparing Mango For Your Rabbit

To feed mango to your bunnies, you must first make sure to buy from a reputable store. If possible, try to find organic mangoes to ensure your bunny doesn't come in contact with dangerous pesticides. Even then, I would thoroughly wash the mango in lukewarm water with soap to remove any harmful chemicals.

After washing, I would cut a few bite-sized pieces for my rabbits, remove the stone, and feed the mango straight away. No need to remove the mango peels since they actually have some health benefits for bunnies.

The Importance Of A Well-Balanced Rabbit Diet

While mango can be a great treat for your rabbit, it's important to remember that it should only be offered as part of a well-balanced diet that includes hay, leafy greens, and fresh vegetables. These foods provide essential nutrients and fiber important for your bunny's health and well-being.

When To Stop Feeding Mango

Most rabbits love mangoes, but there are always the odd one out. If your rabbit refuses to eat mango or leaves uneaten mango in their food dish, you can safely assume that your bunny doesn't like it and would rather have other rabbit treats.

Make sure you remove any uneaten food. Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, and uneaten food can quickly spoil and lead to health problems.

If you notice any digestive problems in your bunny even after a slow introduction to mango, removing this juicy fruit from your friend's diet is best. There are enough other healthy treats to substitute with.

rabbit runny poop after eating mango

Feeding Mangoes To Rabbits: Dos And Don'ts

Now that we know feeding rabbits mangoes is okay let's look at some dos and don'ts to keep your cotton-tailed friend safe.


  • Offer mangoes as a treat for good behavior rather than a regular part of your bunny's diet. While mangoes are a good source of minerals and vitamins, they are also high in sugar. Too much sugar can cause health problems for your rabbit, including obesity and dental issues.

  • Choose fresh, ripe mangoes. Unripe mangoes can be difficult for rabbits to digest and may cause gastrointestinal issues.

  • Wash the mango thoroughly before offering it to your rabbit. This will help remove any pesticides or other harmful substances on the fruit.

  • Remove the mango stone. Mango stones contain small amounts of cyanide, which is toxic to rabbits.


  • Don't let your rabbits eat cooked mango. Rabbits are herbivores and rely on raw foods to get their nutrients. Cooked or processed mango may not provide the same nutritional benefits as fresh, raw mangoes.

  • Don't offer too much mango to your rabbit. While mangoes are safe for rabbits to eat, they should be given in moderation as a treat. Too much mango can upset your rabbit's digestive system and cause health problems.

  • Don't make mango a regular part of your bunny's diet. While mangoes are a good source of minerals and vitamins, they should not replace your rabbit's primary diet of hay, leafy greens, and fresh vegetables.

Knife cut mango for bunnies

Can Rabbits Eat Mango Dried, Cooked, and Frozen?

As we have established, rabbits can eat fresh mangoes in moderation as a treat. But what about other mango varieties, such as dried, cooked, or frozen mangoes? Let's take a closer look.

Dried Mango

You can let your rabbits eat dried mango in very small amounts. While dried mangoes are a tasty snack for humans, they are not the best option for rabbits.

Dried fruits, in general, have higher sugar content than fresh fruits. This means that dried mangoes can lead to weight gain and other health issues in rabbits if consumed in excess.

If you let bunnies eat dried mango, make sure you only give them one dried mango piece and don't make it too small. Very small pieces of dried mango can be a choking hazard.

Can Rabbits Eat Cooked Mango?

Rabbits should never be fed cooked mango or cooked food in general. Bunnies cannot digest cooked food properly, which can cause health issues. They also struggle to chew the soft food, which can lead to choking.

Can Rabbits Eat Frozen Mango?

Frozen mangoes are safe for rabbits to eat as long as they are not coated in sugar or other additives. Frozen mango can be a refreshing treat for your rabbit on a hot summer day. Just make sure the pieces are not too small to avoid choking hazards.

The Risks Of Mangoes For Rabbits

As with any fruit, there are risks associated with letting rabbits eat mango. Although mangoes are safe for rabbits to eat in moderation, too much mango can cause health problems for your pet.

One main risk of giving rabbit mango is the high sugar content. Mangoes are naturally high in sugar, which can lead to dental issues and other health problems in rabbits.

Mango seeds are also a concern when it comes to feeding mangoes to rabbits. While it is safe for rabbits to eat the flesh and mango skins, the seeds should be avoided. A mango seed is hard, and somewhat toxic. They can cause digestive problems if ingested. Removing the mango seed before feeding it to your rabbit is best.

mango fruit prepared for bunnies

Mango Parts And Their Safety for Rabbits

We already looked at some of the risks associated with rabbits. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of a mango and whether or not they are safe for rabbits to eat.

Can rabbits eat mango skin?

Yes, rabbits can eat mango skin. In fact, the mango skin is rich in fiber and antioxidants, making it the healthiest addition to your bunny's diet. However, make sure to wash the mango thoroughly before feeding it to your rabbit, as pesticides and other harmful chemicals may be present on the skin.

Can rabbits eat mango seeds?

Mango stones should not be fed to rabbits. While the flesh of the mango and mango skin is safe for rabbits to eat, the seeds contain cyanide and can be toxic to your furry friends if ingested. Additionally, mango stones are hard and can pose a choking hazard to rabbits.

Can rabbits eat mango leaves?

It is safe to let your bunnies eat mango leaves as long as you wash them to remove any potential toxins. They are high in fiber, and unlike the mango skin and flesh, they are low in sugar and can be fed daily in small amounts.

The leaves can be quite tough, so keep an eye on your furry friends to see if they have problems eating them.

Can rabbits drink mango juice?

Rabbits can have mango juice in very small amounts, but it's generally not recommended. Mango juice contains lots of sugar and is also very acidic, which can upset the delicate digestive system of your rabbit. Mangoes are best fed ripe and raw to avoid any digestive system issues.

mango juice

Other Fruits And Vegetables For Rabbits

While mangoes can be a tasty treat for rabbits, they should not make up the bulk of your bunny's diet. A varied diet is best, but remember to keep it balanced.

Here are a few examples of other fruits that rabbits can safely enjoy:

  • Apples (without the seeds)

  • Bananas (in moderation)

  • Berries (such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries)

  • Melons (such as watermelon and cantaloupe)

  • Guava (in moderation)

When it comes to vegetables, fresh greens should make up the bulk of your rabbit's diet. Here are a few examples of vegetables that rabbits can safely eat:

  • Leafy greens (such as kale, spinach, and lettuce)

  • Carrot tops (in moderation)

  • Bell peppers

  • Cucumbers

  • Broccoli (in moderation)

  • Celery

It's important to note that while rabbits can eat many different types of fruits and vegetables, there are also some that should be avoided. For example, rabbits should not be given rhubarb. Additionally, any fruits or vegetables that are high in sugar should only be given in moderation.

In general, it's best to stick to unlimited fresh hay, raw fruits, and vegetables for your rabbit. Avoid giving them canned or cooked fruits and vegetables, as these can contain added sugars and preservatives that can be harmful to your pet. And as always, make sure to introduce new foods gradually and in small amounts to avoid upsetting your rabbit's digestive system.

rabbit cleaning after eating mango


In conclusion, you can give your rabbit mango in moderation. Mangoes are a great source of minerals and vitamins, including vitamins A and E, which are essential for a rabbit's health and can help boost its immune system. However, when fed too much fruit, the high sugar content in mangoes can cause health problems for rabbits.

It is important to note that rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, and introducing new foods to their diet should be done gradually. As a responsible rabbit owner, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian before introducing new foods to your pet.

While mangoes can be a tasty treat for rabbits, they should not be a substitute for a balanced diet. Fresh juicy vegetables and hay should make up the majority of a rabbit's diet, with fruity treats given in moderation (this includes mango peels).

Overall, providing a varied and balanced diet is key to keeping your rabbit healthy and happy. By taking the time to research and understand your rabbit's nutritional needs, you can ensure that they are receiving the proper nutrients to live a long and happy life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mangoes can be a nutritious addition to the diet of most rabbits but should be given in moderation due to their high sugar content.

  • It is important to properly prepare and serve mangoes to rabbits and monitor their intake to avoid potential health risks.

  • While mangoes can be a healthy treat for rabbits, it is important to remember that hay and fresh greens should always be the mainstay of their diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

rabbit eating grass

What fruits are safe for rabbits to eat?

Rabbits can safely eat various fruits, including apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and guava. Many rabbits love the sweet taste of fruits, but they should be given in moderation as they are high in sugar and can cause digestive issues if overfed.

Is mango seeds safe for rabbits?

No, rabbits should not eat mango seeds as they contain cyanide, a toxic substance to animals and humans.

Can rabbits eat raw mangoes?

Yes, you should only feed mango raw or dried. However, mangoes should be given in moderation as they are high in sugar and can cause digestive issues if overfed. Always make sure to choose ripe mangoes for feeding your bunnies.

Is mango healthy to feed rabbits every day?

No, rabbits should not eat mangoes every day. Mangoes should be given as an occasional treat along with their staple diet of hay and fresh greens.

Can rabbits eat mango stone?

No, rabbits should not eat mango stones as they are toxic to bunnies and can cause severe health problems.

Is mango toxic to rabbits?

No, mango is not toxic to rabbits. However, mangoes should be given in moderation as they are high in sugar and can cause dental issues if overfed.


  • Carter, Lou. "Can Rabbits Eat Mango?" Rabbit Care Tips, (May 3, 2022), https://www.rabbitcaretips.com/can-rabbits-eat-mango/.

  • SAMGA, "Nutritional Info: FOOD VALUE PER 100 g OF RIPE MANGO FLESH". https://mango.co.za/nutritional-info/

  • Lebas, François. (2000). Vitamins in rabbit nutrition Literature review and recommendations. World Rabbit Science. 8. 185-192. 10.4995/wrs.2000.438. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/271905912_Vitamins_in_rabbit_nutrition_Literature_review_and_recommandations

  • Fafiolu, A.O. & OLUWATOSIN, Oluseyi & A.M, Bamgbose & Oso, Abimbola & Isah, Olubukola & J.E.N, Olatunji & Adebayo, Jegede. (2006). Feeding Value of Mango Leaf ( Mangifera indica ) for Growing Rabbits. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26590865_Feeding_Value_of_Mango_Leaf_Mangifera_indica_for_Growing_Rabbits

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